Eating For Hormonal Health

Learning about hormonal health has been one of the most rewarding processes because it makes me feel better in ways I never imagined. 

If you want an intro to cycle health read this post first.

I have PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), a much more severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and went on hormonal birth control to help “manage” the hormonal condition, but in actuality, I was masking the issue. Now that I’ve been off of hormonal birth control for over a year, I’ve noticed how much power I have in my daily habits and choices. 

After doing research, collecting data on myself, and listening to my body, I’ve seen significant improvement in my overall well-being by syncing my diet with my cycle and eating with hormonal health in mind. 

My luteal phase often feels like a week of me trying to navigate an open field with hidden landmines - any minor mishap or misstep can send me into a spiral of consecutive dark days. 

Gratefully eating for hormonal health has significantly minimized my PMDD symptoms. 

Tips for eating to improve your hormonal health:

  1. Don’t skip meals. It causes spikes in your blood sugar.

  2. Listen to your body. When you have cravings, it can be your body’s way of trying to tell you what it wants. Especially when you’re craving the way a meal is prepped, for instance, warm and hearty stews suggest your body is working to line your uterus (luteal phase).

  3. Start small. In the beginning, it’s ok to swap veggies or the way you prepare 25% of your meals. After a complete cycle (all 4 phases), try to incorporate one new habit.

Give yourself some grace too. I still skip meals or wait until 11 to eat some days, it’s hard - but I try to extend compassion to myself. Lifestyle changes don’t happen overnight. Once you’ve built the habit of skipping meals getting out of the habit, eating three meals a day, and making sure you don’t miss out on breakfast takes a lot of reprogramming.

What should I eat during my menstrual cycle? is a common question and it’s great that people are thinking about how their food choice can support menstruation, but the real gem is thinking about how your food choices can support your entire hormonal cycle.



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